Tasting Week 2014

Tasting Week is an annual event for Bay Area middle schools. It’s about:

  • Education of children’s sense of taste and appreciation of flavors
  • Transparency and educational information on products, their origin, their mode of production
  • Transmission of skills
  • Encourage behavior around food consumption as part of a healthier lifestyle .

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This year I was paired with Palo Verde Elementary in Palo Alto. We taught the 1st and 5th graders Snack Attack!

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Then went on to make kid-approved Kitchen Sink Lettuce Wraps (aka Asian Lettuce Cups with Almond Butter Coconut Drizzle. The goal is to make snacks out of vegetables.

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This was all that was left after class. Some of the students asked for “4ths!”


Learn more about all the chefs and schools participating in Tasting Week at www.tastingweek.org

“Thank you so much for spending the time to present this fantastic workshop for the children !

I really enjoyed the mix of educational material and cooking demo that you did. And it was a pleasure to see the children so enthusiastic about the program.
I will forward your recipe to the teachers, so it can be distributed to kid’s families. I am sure they will be asking their parents to do it again for them. ”   – Palo Verde school
