We had a great wellness class at Apple this week. Thanks to Susan and the Apple dietitians for the invite, and everyone else who worked on Snack Attack!, just one of the classes I offer. For the best in corporate wellness entertainment, please keep me in mind if you are building a diverse wellness program, or are hosting an employee health fair. Harvard University determines that every dollar invested by employers on employee wellness can result in medical cost savings of $3.27.
Getting ready for class
Joined by 60 students.
Those in the back can see using wireless Ipad + Apple TV technology.
The snacks we made included Roasted Candied Carrots, Kale Pesto with Veggies, Black Pepper Curry Nut Mix, and Kale Almond Butter Rollups.
Our sponsor was Coco-Roons
What’s hiding in your soda? Try 11 teaspoons of sugar.
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