Take Action!


Foods best for humans are best for animals and environment

Each year billions of dollars are wasted to promote, produce and subsidize highly-processed foods that ruin our heath and the planet. Sweet drinks, junk foods, meat and sugar are the worst. They feed sky-rocketing diet-related health concerns such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. They also contribute to climate change, degrading animals, soil, land and water.

Did You Know?

• There are over 2500 different fruits and vegetables on the planet and the average American eats less than 20 different types.

• It takes 10 times more fossil fuel to produce a calorie of beef than a calorie of grain protein (CH1 #3)*

• Approximately 22 billion pounds (10 billion kg) of oil-based fertilizer are used annually just to grown grain to feed U.S. cows. 22 billion pounds = 18.2 million average size cows piled on top of each other! (CH1 #4)

• Nearly 40% of all the food produced in the U.S. is thrown away.

• 77% of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods.

• 80% of the fresh water in the US is used for agriculture.

• Vegetables have secrets (shhh, they’re sweet) and require 330°F to come out from hiding.

Take Action!

Support local, organic agriculture
Cook more often
Eat more vegetables!
Reduce food waste

Food Groups to Help

Foodwise cultivates a sustainable food system by running great farmers markets like Saturdays at the San Francisco Ferry Building. It also sponsors excellent food education programs we can all learn from. Check out their website for events, recipes and great tips like What’s in Season When?

Community Alliance with Family Farmers
CAFF advocates for family farmers and sustainable agriculture, by working in schools, matching small business growers and users together, and direct work supporting farmers with business education and action plans.

Center for Science and the Public Interest
CSPI conducts innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and provides consumers with current, useful information about their health and well-being. I love their Nutrition Action magazine. Up-to-date writing and reporting.

Marin Agricultural Land Trust
MALT saves family farms and ranches, protects Marin’s agricultural heritage, and serves as a model for groups across the U.S.

National Resources Defense Council
NRDC helps protect our air, land, and water from pollution and corporate greed since 1970. Lots of excellent food writings and reports.

EEAT Volunteers
We teach healthy people healthy planet lessons for schools, and can always use volunteers in the classroom. If you want to help, or if your school wants a food lesson or cooking class for kids – let’s talk!

* footnotes: Cool Cuisine – Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming