Getting ready to teach the Pickle Class at George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Summer Camp, out in the back woods of the Tahoe National Forest.
We taught 4 types of pickles in class. On the left is cured nuka (rice bran) for nuka pickles, at the top is a salad press making quick pickles, on the right are tins of curing miso pickles, and at the bottom is sauerkraut.
We started the traditional sauerkraut three weeks before class allowing time to cure.
A Japanese Pressed Salad was made that day.
Miso pickles were made by covering broccoli stems with miso and then curing a few days. Daikon Nuka Pickles were made a few weeks before class, after first curing the rice bran.
I also taught a lecture at camp titled Manage Your Microbes.
We discussed current research about the microbiome and it’s effect on our bodies. Did you know humans are 70%- 90% the cells of another species? We are more them, than us!
The class finished with a quick cook lesson on foods our microbes love to eat – vegetables!
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