In attempts to rescue 3000 tons of food scrap waste per year, the City of Palo Alto embarked on a 2015 corporate campaign to teach businesses how to reduce food scrap waste. We went to a number of local companies teaching Leftover Makeover, and Fabulous Dishes, No Recipes Required. Here are a few…
At Medallia, we did a Leftover Makeover Bar and a Get More Before You Throw it Away Display.
At Guidebook we did Fabulous Dishes – No Recipe Required. Classes can be held anywhere with an EZ setup portable kitchen (and stove cleared by facilities for indoor use).
Always good to teach knife sharpening skills.
Survey Monkey was a large class for 70 – but everyone got fed quickly and could see all the cutting board action, thanks to our wireless IPad hookup.
Learn more about Palo Alto’s food scrap and waste reduction here.